Sunday, January 30, 2011


Yes, I'm still alive. Just having a terribly busy semester. I did take time out for a GNO. These are some of the ladies responsible for my sanity. I depend on them and our get-togethers. We love a good party, and this month, we had a guest: Ally Condie, the author of Matched. Here we are with our gorgeous green books.

Now, we don't always have elaborate parties, but we love a good excuse for one. Matched provided us with a perfect opportunity. We matched our decorations to the book: green tablecloths and balloons, bowls of "pills" . . .

. . . foil dinnerware . . .

. . . and a dessert buffet.

After a great chat with Ally, in which she answered lots of questions and talked to us about writing in general, we presented Ally a gift. One aspect of the book is the "100 Poems" in society. This poem is one that was not kept by the society, but plays an important role:
"Do not go gentle into that good night . . ." by Dylan Thomas. The sign is vinyl on glass.

When we thought all was done, Nancy pulled a surprise on us all. She presented us all with a gift, a "memento" straight out of the book. She gave us all these beautiful compacts, just like the memento Cassia keeps her pills in.

What a great night. Thanks, girls for all the laughs. Now, what's next?


  1. I'm glad everyone had such a good time! The party turned out to be fabulous! I'm glad you could come! :)

  2. This was such a fun time! I'm glad you got to come even with your busy semester.
